The Hunger Games FanArt Gallery Vol.1

Okay, I knew I sooner or later had to talk about this, so why not sooner? Fan art is always kind of a touchy subject. There are the people who create it and out endless effort and time into it on one hand. On the other hand we got those who completely dislike it cause they think it sucks. Badly. And to be honest, they got a point there. Most of it does suck. Badly. But then sometimes you stumble across something you actually like. So to keep this light and nice enjoy the first of a series of Fan Art Gallery posts. This time only with pictures I really kind of like!



Yep, only two. But those are my favorites of all the fan art pics I could find. I really love those! So that’s it for now.

So what do you think about fan art? Love it? Hate it? Are you by any chance one of the people who created one of those fantastic pictures or something similar? Tell me about it! Leave a comment or e-mail me!


The Hunger Games FanArt Gallery is open NOW!



– pictures: google –


Filed under Catching Fire, FanArt Gallery, Finnick, Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games

3 responses to “The Hunger Games FanArt Gallery Vol.1

  1. sam

    i like both of them. i like the katniss in her dress one tho. it’s probably the best that i’ve seen. i have a project that i did for english on catching fire. i’ll try to scan it on and send it to u or somthing

    • Yeah, the Katniss one is definitely one of my favorites too! On yes please do! Scan it and then send it to me. That would be great!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see it!

  2. Misa

    Those are amazing!!!

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