Tag Archives: photoshoot

FyreSparks returns from being MIA… and brings Peeta with her

First of all I wanna apologize for being MIA, neglecting this blog and not writing a new post in two weeks straight! Sorry! But today I’m finally returning and I brought some quite good stuff with me if I do say so myself! First of all enjoy one of the Valentine conversation hearts I made back in February. Guess who it is I made that one for… 😉

And then, remember I talked about how I found someone who really kinda looks like my Peeta? So, let me introduce you to him! Here he is, his name is Sterling Knight:

Yes, I know that he played in a couple of Disney Channel series. No, I don’t care and I never watched one single episode. I wouldn’t mind if he looked a little older but hey, he still has some time left before they start shooting the Hunger Games movie so… And because I know that’s what you think about now: No, it is not a good idea to Google Image search him. Just don’t! Trust me! Cause you’ll only find childish pics where he doesn’t look like Peeta. I had to look for ages to find those two gems above. But hey, I’m pretty sure he will do a sexy photoshoot anytime soon! 😉

So what about you, have you found your Peeta yet? Any suggestions? Tell ma about it! Just leave a comment or e-mail me!


So glad I’m finally back to posting again



– pictures: google –


Filed under Haymitch, Hunger Games cast, Peeta Mellark, Sterling Knight, The Hunger Games movie

Alex Pettyfer – is he everyone’s Peeta?

Peeta with a six-pack? Uhm, yes please!

This is my first real post here (I don’t count “Welcome to The District13 Post” cause that was merely an introduction). So when I had finished the books and read that Lionsgate wanted to turn the Hunger Games into a movie, I headed over to Youtube and watched thirty-four a few of the “my favorite cast for the Hunger Games” videos. And what really stunned me was the fact that EVERYONE chose Alex Pettyfer as Peeta. To be honest, I looked him up on IMBD cause I didn’t really know who he was. Yeah, sorry. So what is it about him that makes him everybody’s Peeta?

Dude, what happened to your nose?

Okay, he’s blonde. And yes, there are definitely pics of him where he looks hot (Damn that guy has abs!). Only thing that confused me: Uhm, can anyone tell me what happened to his nose? Cause in my mind Peeta did NOT have a broken nose that healed badly. I mean, Alex’ nose looks kind of crooked here… So what happened? Either it’s just the light or Alex had indeed a broken nose. Whatever, if he keeps looking hot like that I might consider him as my personal Peeta as well. We can still pretend there had been an accident in the bakery or that his mother slapped him in the face so hard after he had given the bread to Katniss that his nose got damaged. Don’t worry Alex, if we really want you as the boy with the bread we’ll find an excuse for that. Promise.


Hey Alex, think about doing a hot photoshoot anytime soon. Just saying.



So what do you think about Alex Pettyfer? Is he your Peeta too? What is your personal dream-cast for the Hunger Games movie? Let me know please! Send me an e-mail or just leave a comment! Oh, and does anyone know what it is with his nose?

– pictures: google –


Filed under Alex Pettyfer, Lionsgate, Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games movie