Tag Archives: cakes

Hunger Games cakes – The Good, the Bad and the Strange ones

Sometimes when I’m bored I type in random things at google images just to see what comes up. Have you ever tried this with “Hunger Games cake”? Well, I have. And it’s not really a good idea. Cause to be honest, most of them are horrible and strange and I have no idea how anyone could order something like that for a birthday party. So let’s check out some of the awful awesome pictures I found.

Uhm, okay. This is a brown haired Barbie sitting with all her clothes on a cake having the green icing smeared all over her legs. This does not look delicious. At all. Plus there are those brown crumps supposed to be the mud where Peeta hides on the river bank. At least that’s what I guess from the two eyes and the blue topping…

I guess that this one also shows Peeta. Because of the nose and the eyes and cause I can’t think of any other Hunger Games scene that could probably match this cake. Even though I can’t quite tell for sure how eyes and a nose make clear that this is indeed Peeta…

I got several more pictures stored away for upcoming posts but I think those two are enough for now. Honestly Hunger Games and especially Peeta fans all around the world… Isn’t it just enough to have a beautiful cake with flowers and stuffed iced on it just like they’re described in the book. And to make them a Peeta cake, why not just write on them “made by Peeta with love”. Done! Simple but awesome and perfect. That’s what I would want to have instead of a Barbie sitting on top. Just saying.

So did anyone of you have a Hunger Games cake? Found pictures of cakes you like / don’t like? Leave a comment or e-mail me!


Get the icing out dear bakers,



– pictures: Google –


Filed under Hunger Games stuff on Google, Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games

Why is it I can’t decide this time?

This is how I picture Gale one day. And yep, I think it's kinda hot...

When it comes to books it has always been easy for me to choose which characters I liked most, which ones I hated and which ones just annoyed the crap out of me (Hello there, Bella Swan!). I loved Gandalf and Aragorn, the elves and the hobbits in Lord of the Rings. I kinda liked Snape because I always had the feeling that he had a secret and was one of the good ones deep down. I loved Dumbledore. I wanted Harry to get Ginny in the end. It wasn’t hard for me to choose between Team Edward and Team Jacob. So how come I just can’t decide if I want Katniss to end up with Peeta or with Gale? I like both! In real life I would probably rather fall for the dark Gale type but in the books… hard to say. I like that Peeta makes delicious cookies and wonderful cakes. How he tries to protect Katniss and the way they go to sleep together to keep the nightmares away.

Artificial arm anyone? Yep, check! Hot? Uhm, I don't know...

Okay, he has an artificial leg, but let’s not linger on this. Unless you think artificial legs are cool, then add it to the pro list… In the case of Gale, I love how he cares for his family. And all those hunting trips with Katniss. Plus guys with bows and stuff are kinda hot. I gotta admit my heart broke a little when he finally decided to confess his love to Katniss but it was too late. Maybe there will be something in the third book (when it finally comes out) that makes it easier for me to choose one of the two. In case there is not, I can only think of one solution: Making a pro and contra list! Cause that’s how you should make difficult decisions. Always. Trust me. Of course I could just say I like them both equally but I don’t think Katniss will be allowed to marry them both once she is older, right? Right???

So who is your favorite? And why? Do you like Peeta’s artificial leg? Or rather Gale’s snares? Or are you just like me and for some reason can’t decide? Let me know! Leave a comment or send an e-mail!


Getting out my pen to make an oldschool pro and contra list,



– pictures: google –


Filed under Gale Hawthorne, Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark