Is this what the Capitol people look like?

I couple of days ago when I was bored again and typed in random things on Google Images once more, something strange came to my mind. Remember all those descriptions on the people from the Capitol in the Hunger Games and Catching Fire? Stuff like barely looking like humans, surgically altered, dyed skin, golden tattoos, aqua and pink hair came to my mind. So I googled around for a bit and found the following gems:

Uhm yeah, I just totally posted a pic of Gwen Stefani with turquoise hair right next to a pic of a drag queen. Cause I’m awesome crazy like that.

And then guess what other photo I found that reminded me of the Capitol people? The Johnny Depp / mad hatter pic from Alice in Wonderland.

Perfect, I know 😉 So what about you? Did you ever see a pic and thought “This is how those Capitol people could look like”? Or did you try to google it? Did you maybe draw some kind of fan art? Then what are you waiting for? Send it over to me! No matter if it’s a pic, a video, a drawing or whatever. Can’t wait to see it!


Get your aqua hair tint out,



– pictures: Google –

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Filed under Capitol, Catching Fire, The Hunger Games

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