The (un)important stuff you forget

Sorry, I know I haven’t blogged here for the last couple of days. That’s because I’m currently reading The Hunger Games. Again. So I guess you can all understand that. If you can’t then what are you doing here on this blog? 😉 Just kidding. But I bet what I’m going to talk about now happened to all of you. There are always so many details that you either just don’t realize or have forgotten about by the time you finish reading a book for the first time. To me that happens always. I had to read The Lord of the Rings three times before I could really remember the scene where they are attacked by some kind of werewolves at night. Yes, I mean werewolves. And no, I’m not mixing it up with the wargs. So maybe I should make a list of things I completely got wrong or forgot about when I first read The Hunger Games and then post about it. That would be fun… For example that in my imagination Darius was like 40 years old. But yesterday I saw that Katniss describes him like that:

He’s probably in his twenties, but he doesn’t seem much older than I do.

Yeah, big fail on my side, I know… Sorry Darius for making you twice as old as you really are! So I hope I can manage to keep a few more details in my head after I’ve finished reading it again. One way or the other, I’ll let you know. Promise! 😉

What did you forget about when you read the books or the first time? Anything that shocked you or made you think “Damn, how could I not have realized this the first time”? Can’t wait to hear about it! So let me know. Even if it’s not about The Hunger Games but any other book. Cause honestly, I’m such a book nerd… 😉 Just leave a comment or e-mail me!


Heading of to finish The Hunger Games. Again…



Filed under Darius, Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games

3 responses to “The (un)important stuff you forget

  1. Kash

    When I read the first book in the Hunger Games series, I really couldn’t tell in the beginning if Peeta was tricking Katniss or not! Rereading it nearly made my heart melt, he does so many little things for her that you totally disregard because you think he’s tricking her!

  2. Heather

    It took me about three reads to figure out who the hell ‘seneca crane’ was and what they had to do with anything!

    • Haha, yeah you’re right! By the time his name appears for the first time he is already dead I guess… I didn’t get who he really was at first either to be honest 😉

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