Tag Archives: Washington Post

Welcome to The District13 Post – The first Hunger Games Newsletter

Okay, to be honest this is not a real newsletter. It’s merely a blog to talk about Hunger Games news, videos, thoughts… basically everything that comes to my mind an concerns Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games books. And I named it The District13 Post cause I like to pretend that it’s the newspaper from the mysterious District 13. Like The Washington Post. Only a bit less serious ifyouknowwhatimean. The reason why I decided to start this blog? I read the books and I loved them. I was completely captivated. But since we have to wait more than half a year for the third book to be published, I tried to get my “fix” online. Wanna know what I found? Uhm, not that much to be honest… There are thousands of Twilight-blogs but only about twenty sites dedicated to the Hunger Games? Seriously? don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on the Twi-blogs here as I may or may not read some of them frequently. I just couldn’t understand why there are so few Hunger Games blogs. Guess the number will explode as soon as the movie comes out though. Cause we know there will be a movie sooner or later. And I hope that it will not suck… Keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime I try to post something new here maybe not every single day but as often as I can manage. You know, I still got a real life and stuff… 😉


So let’s get it started



Yep, I wrote fire with a “y”. No, it’s no accident, I did this on purpose. Cause I like it better that way plus it’s my blog and I’m kind of the editor in charge, so I can make the rules here 😉 Might take me a few days to get the blog completely set up and to make it all look nice and stuff, sorry! I’ll hurry, promise! Meanwhile, why don’t you just leave a comment?

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Filed under The Hunger Games