Tag Archives: book 3

Hoping against all odds that this is not true…

I preordered the third Hunger Games book back in January when we didn’t even know the title yet. I’m so excited to finally hold the Mockingjay in my hands and start reading it’s almost ridiculous. About five minutes ago though, the following happened. I checked my inbox and had a mail from Amazon saying this:

Unfortunately the release date for the Hunger Games book 3 – the Mockingjay changed. The new delivery date is now October 4th.

Honestly? WTF??? Come on Amazon, Scholastic, Suzanne Collins and whoever else it is that has ANYTHING to do with this book. You can’t do that to me! I want my copy of the Mockingjay on August 24th just as you had promised! Or right now if you don’t mind! SO HURRY UP! Please…


Desperately hoping someone hacked Amazon and sent these mails out as a joke


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Filed under Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Belated Breaking News from the Hunger Games world

Yep, I totally missed all the fuss and now I’m one day late but I’ll blog about it nevertheless! The cover and title for the third book are out and it’s called “Mockingjay”. And while I gotta say I love the color, I don’t really like the title. It just doesn’t fit in with the other two. And it looks weird on the cover with only one word in one line right at the top… See for yourself!

So what do you think? Love it? Hate it? What about the color? And the title? And the fact that Suzanne Collins i now written in one line instead of two? Come on and let’s discuss every tiny little detail no matter how ridiculous it is. Simply because this seems to get us so much closer to actually be able to hold the book in our own hands. And because I’m really excited right now! So leave a comment or e-mail me!


Let the countdown begin!



– picture: thanks to Yzzy from Peeta Makes Bread! Check them out via my affiliates page. Cause they rule! Sorry I hadn’t time to ask your permission first… hope you’ll forgive me 😉 –


Filed under Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Less than 7 months to go until book 3 comes out!

Okay, I admit it. I messed it all up and forgot to make a special post for the 7 months until book three mark. Cause that would have been yesterday, january 24th. I apologize. To make up for it I decided the following:

I, FyreSparks, editor in charge of the wonderful The District13 Post, solemnly swear to make a special post at the upcoming marks for 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 months until the third Hunger Games book comes out. Plus a super special, uber spectacular post for the day that I’ll finally hold my own copy of it in my hands!

Hope you’re all satisfied with this vow. So watch out dear The District13 Post readers, something HUGE is coming your way! 😉


6 months and 30 days to go!



Wondered why I didn’t make a special post? Well, I simply forgot. So next time something like this happens, remind me by sending an e-mail! Kthxbye 😉

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Filed under The Hunger Games