Category Archives: Sterling Knight

FyreSparks returns from being MIA… and brings Peeta with her

First of all I wanna apologize for being MIA, neglecting this blog and not writing a new post in two weeks straight! Sorry! But today I’m finally returning and I brought some quite good stuff with me if I do say so myself! First of all enjoy one of the Valentine conversation hearts I made back in February. Guess who it is I made that one for… 😉

And then, remember I talked about how I found someone who really kinda looks like my Peeta? So, let me introduce you to him! Here he is, his name is Sterling Knight:

Yes, I know that he played in a couple of Disney Channel series. No, I don’t care and I never watched one single episode. I wouldn’t mind if he looked a little older but hey, he still has some time left before they start shooting the Hunger Games movie so… And because I know that’s what you think about now: No, it is not a good idea to Google Image search him. Just don’t! Trust me! Cause you’ll only find childish pics where he doesn’t look like Peeta. I had to look for ages to find those two gems above. But hey, I’m pretty sure he will do a sexy photoshoot anytime soon! 😉

So what about you, have you found your Peeta yet? Any suggestions? Tell ma about it! Just leave a comment or e-mail me!


So glad I’m finally back to posting again



– pictures: google –


Filed under Haymitch, Hunger Games cast, Peeta Mellark, Sterling Knight, The Hunger Games movie