Category Archives: Cinna

Hunger Games FanArt Gallery Vol.2

Hey, I decided it’s time for a little fan art once again! Ready? Go!

I really like the drawing on the left! I know in the book Katniss has those elven-like oversize sleeves but I’m not picky. I think the drawing is pretty good. Period. But the whole thing is titled “from bride to mockingjay”, so if that one on the right is indeed Katniss in her mockingjay dress, how come it’s all green, blue and yellow then? Shouldn’t it be black and white? And wow, her hair has transformed as well… All in all thumbs up for the wedding dress pic, for the one on the right I’m not quite sure though. Or maybe you should just change the title and pretend it’s Katniss wearing a random creation of Cinna… 😉

So here another mockingjay dress pic. Now it really is a “from bride to mockingjay” post! 😉

What do you think about these pics? Any other favorites you’d like me to post? Or did you maybe make fan art of your own? Wanna send it over? Leave a comment or e-mail me!


So sad I’m so not good at drawing…



– pictures: Google –


Filed under Catching Fire, Cinna, FanArt Gallery, Hunger Games stuff on Google, Katniss Everdeen

Find the perfect Hunger Games cast on Youtube… or maybe not

As I promised in the Alex Pettyfer post, here are some of the videos about the perfect Hunger Games cast I watched on Youtube so far. There are about 150 more to go… So here we go!

Okay, if Mike Welch plays Gale I’m so NOT gonna watch this movie. Plus half of those people are too young to play anyone’s parent. Just saying.

No, Taylor Lautner should NOT play Gale. Period. He’s already Jacob so he simply can’t be Gale as well. But I love Jack Nicholson as Haymitch here. Cause in that picture he So looks like a drunkard… 😉

Okay, I guess two is enough for now. Maybe I should start a series and post a few “cast” videos every two weeks or so. What do you think? Who would be your favorite actors for a Hunger Games movie? You can leave a comment or e-mail me!


Go to Youtube to watch the rest of the 190 videos if you got nothing else to do 😉



– videos: Youtube –


Filed under Alex Pettyfer, Cinna, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch, Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games movie