Hoping against all odds that this is not true…

I preordered the third Hunger Games book back in January when we didn’t even know the title yet. I’m so excited to finally hold the Mockingjay in my hands and start reading it’s almost ridiculous. About five minutes ago though, the following happened. I checked my inbox and had a mail from Amazon saying this:

Unfortunately the release date for the Hunger Games book 3 – the Mockingjay changed. The new delivery date is now October 4th.

Honestly? WTF??? Come on Amazon, Scholastic, Suzanne Collins and whoever else it is that has ANYTHING to do with this book. You can’t do that to me! I want my copy of the Mockingjay on August 24th just as you had promised! Or right now if you don’t mind! SO HURRY UP! Please…


Desperately hoping someone hacked Amazon and sent these mails out as a joke


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Filed under Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

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